The Capitol Building

The Capitol Building
This is where Caesar was murdered

The Speech

I loved Caesar, but I love Rome more. That was my key point in my speech to the market place this afternoon. The people were on my side! Everything was going great and the initial plan was going well. It was a great feeling knowing that I had won over the people of Rome is such a short time. Whelp, easy come, easy go. Marc Antony delivered a speech following mine and the people of Rome quickly changed sides. He made fun of me. He called me an honorable man so many times that it was clear that he was being facetious. Marc made the people of Rome truely believe in him and now they follow him, they are on his side now. Right after his speech they went on a rampage! They were rioting! And killing! And destroying! And causing so much chaos that I had no clue what to do but run! I fleed Rome and I will see where it goes from here.

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