The Capitol Building

The Capitol Building
This is where Caesar was murdered

Cassius Has A Way...

Today, Cassius and I were enjoying the weather at the race downtown. I felt bad when he first approached me because I know that recently, I have been neglecting my friends; including Cassius. I've had some personal issues and I apologized to him for not staying for the festivities afterwards. Our conversation quickly shifted to Julius Caesar. Julius is to be made leader of Rome soon. Cassius was telling me about how he is not a big fan of Caesar and he kind of made me realize that I'm not either. Cassius really makes me think and he's pretty good at convincing people to do things... weird. The thing that got me confused today was when Casca came over to us and said that Caesar denied the crown three times! This goes against what Cassius was telling me so I'm a bit confused. But it's okay, I told Cassius I would meet him tomorrow so we can talk things over.

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